Foyer gallery

Kaijonharju Photowalk






Roots push through the asphalt and beetles create paths under the bark of a fallen tree. Kaijonharju looks like a residential area close to nature, where dogs are loved. 15% of Kaijonharju’s population speak a language other than Finnish as their mother tongue. What does Kaijonharju look like through the eyes of a Kaijonharju resident, which are the places where the sunset is at its most beautiful, and how Photowalk looks like from a wheelchair?

On Monday, January 9, 2023, an outdoor exhibition will open in Madetoja Park in the City center, where you can see the results of the Kaijonharju Photowalk organized during the fall. The Photowalks organized during the fall of 2022 have been open to everyone and the goal has been to get to know your own area with new eyes – sharing information about the history of the area, your own experiences and places. The photos were visible along the daily routes of residents of the Kaijonharju area in December 2022. The photo walks were led by visual artist Tuomo Kangasmaa.

The Kaijonharju Photowalk exhibition is part of the Images of the Month program of the Photonorth – Northern Photographic Center and extends not only to Madetoja park, but also to the Aulagalleria of Kulttuuritalo Valve.

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Kaijonharju Photowalk